The Guide Turistiche delle Marche group is very glad to suggest the following compilation of itineraries to discover the Marche through many different points of view:



The ancient main town of the Mark of Fermo, has always been the seat of power of powerful bishops. Since the former Piceni’s village and through the roman colony of Firmum, the town has kept, uninterrupted, its historical and cultural continuity and the power to renovate itself more beautifully. The old town is placed on several levels of Girfalco hill on the top of which the imposing structure of the cathedral stands out.



It is a small village of the appenine mountains between the provinces of Fermo and Macerata and it is placed on the upper valley of the Tenna’s river. Its typical medieval town plan stretches on the high hillside forming laneways and winding streets that seem to open a panoramic passage on gardens, courtyards, amazing views of the surronding countryside landscape.



Falerio Picenus is situated in a valley along one of the main roman roads connecting several roman towns of Piceno area and, nowadays, it is one of the most important archeological sites of the Marche region. The most famous pecularity of archeological site of the ancient Falerio, concerns the well preserved theatre all over the region. On the other hand, the medieval town was built on the top of the hill and in its churches it is possible to remark works of art dating back to the XV century that were carried out by Carlo and Vittore Crivelli. The visit of the archeological museum allows us to recreate the grandeur and the importance of the former roman town.


Torre di Palme

The tiny fortified village overlooking the Adriatic sea, Torre di Palme was one of the castels of Fermo. It’s surrounded on three sides by hills and the Cugnolo hill that is a rare example of woodland. Torre di Palme is also a place of evocative memory, where Antonio and Laurina spent the last days of their love story.


S. Elpidio a Mare

S. Elpidio a is a small town of the province of Fermo placed in the important industrial disctrict of footwear, it boasts a long-standing manufacturing tradition about leather goods. Its original shoes museum and the professional education school are the strong evidence. In the old days S. Elpidio was an important site of the monastic knights of Jerusalem and, even nowadays, it preserves monuments and works of art of great value that can be appreciated in its art gallery and churches scattered all around.



It was an ancient monastic farm and, nowadays, small village of the province of Fermo, it is famous for its manufacturing strong vocation for leather articles production, and has recently, rediscovered its historical and cultural heritage. Some specific places of the old town with churches, squares, and pictoresque lanes are the main, charming and mysterious attractions of the town centre.



Montegiorgio is a beautiful town of the Tenna river valley marking the boundaries with the province of Macerata. In the early middle ages Montegiorgio was a monastic settlement of farfense order which enriched the area with several interesting pieces of art.



Rare jewel of the Marche, the village of Moresco is one of the most beautiful and enchanting examples of a fortified town which is dominated by the high seven-sided tower.


S. Vittoria in Matenano

It is a pictoresque borough founded by monks coming from Farfa and it was considered the most important monastic settlement of Farfa order of the Marche region. Across the centuries,the same order founded many other abbeys in the provinces of Macerata, Fermo and Ascoli Piceno. The small village of Santa Vittoria in Matenano was built around the monastery and over the years it provided itself with defensive walls and towers.




FERMO veduta Di Flickr user lastquest –, CC BY-SA 2.0,


Province of Fermo
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